Infrared Sauna FAQs

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Is there a sauna protocol I should follow before and after my treatment?

Proper infrared sauna use is important; just like we warm up and cool down our bodies when we exercise, there are some basic steps to follow to ensure you gain maximum benefits of using an infrared sauna.

Before Sauna Use:

Drink a minimum of 8 oz. of water to prepare your body for an increase in core body temperature.

After Sauna Use:

Rehydrate with at least 24 oz. of water or electrolyte drink.

Dry off and cool down naturally.

Are children allowed to use the sauna?

Infrared heat is completely safe and all objects give off and receive infrared heat. In fact, it is so safe, hospitals use similar heaters to warm newborns. Infrared is a part of nature and essential for life.

How long is a typical session, and how often can I take a session?

Most people partake in a 30-45 minute infrared sauna session, 3-4 times a week, but it is safe to use every day and at whatever heat suits you best.

What should I wear in the sauna?

Inorganic materials will refract the wavelength and really heavy materials will block it. Light, organic is the best way to go if you have to wear clothing. Men typically wear workout or swim trunks; women typically wear workout shorts and a tank top, sports bra or swimsuit.

Does infrared technology interfere with implants (metal, silicone, etc.)?

Metal pins, rods, artificial joints or any other surgical implants generally reflect infrared waves and thus are not heated by this system. Nevertheless, you should consult your physician prior to using an infrared sauna.

What time should I use the infrared sauna?

It is completely up to you and your lifestyle. There is no data showing more of a benefit in the morning or evening.

Why am I not sweating?

Just as with exercise or eating healthy, infrared sauna use takes time and consistency to see results. You may not sweat the first few times you use your sauna, but know that sweating (and the detox that comes with it) will increase over time, leaving you feeling rejuvenated and healthy.

After using regularly and still not sweating to your bodies potential, there could be other factors at play. Are you drinking enough water? Are you only hydrating on days you know you will sit in the sauna? It is recommended that you drink half your body weight in ounces.

Is infrared heat safe?

Infrared heat is completely safe and all objects give off and receive infrared heat. In fact, it is so safe, hospitals use similar heaters to warm newborns. Infrared is a part of nature and essential for life.

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