BrainTap FAQs

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What is the BrainTap headset?

The BrainTap headset is on the leading-edge of the brain-based wellness approach now being advocated by health and wellness practitioners around the globe. The BrainTap headset delivers gentle pulses of light through special earphones and from within a visor. These lights synchronize with two types of sound - binaural beats and isochronic tones - to produce deep and profound relaxation and varying states of consciousness. While research has proven that both flickering light and synchronized tones can produce relaxed states, combining the two guides you to a profound level of restfulness and rejuvenation that’s otherwise difficult to achieve; it is a state of tranquility that is optimum for mind/body balance, focus, and accelerated learning.

What is it like to experience BrainTap?

One of the best definitions of the BrainTap experience came to Dr. Porter from a satisfied client, who said, “It feels like my body fell asleep, but my mind stayed awake.” This is because BrainTap generates a natural state, very much like sleep. You are then provided information that you want to apply when you are awake. This is called anchoring your vision to your timeline. It works like writing yourself a sticky note and posting it somewhere to remind you later.

Most people who want to make a change in their lives have the best intentions in the world, but the reality is, we get what we rehearse in life, not necessarily what we intend. Through BrainTap, you rehearse the new behaviors, attitudes, and beliefs you want and create in your mind a timeline for success.

During a BrainTap session, you visualize new responses to old behavioral triggers. Then, when you encounter the old triggers, you’ll simply “forget to remember by remembering to forget.” As your new responses take hold, you’ll be convinced that you can acquire tobacco-free behaviors, think and act like a naturally thin person, or change any negative, unwanted behavior. It’s that easy!

How will I know I've reached alpha or theta?

Everyone’s experience is unique. No two people experience the same feelings or sensations while using the BrainTap headset system, and your experience will likely vary from one session to the next. You might experience lightness, heaviness, or a tingling sensation. You might even feel your eyelids flutter. You may feel as if you are drifting in and out of conscious awareness or feel dreamy, similar to how you feel right before falling asleep at night. Sometimes, as you release tension, your body might jerk or twitch. All of these are indicators that you are experiencing the alpha/theta state the BrainTap headset is designed to create.

Can children use the BrainTap headset?

As long as the child can sit still in a chair for 10 or 20 minutes, the BrainTap headset can be of benefit, and there are a variety of sessions geared toward children, tweens and young adults. We have children as young as five years old using the technology before bed and getting great results. The “Accelerated Learning Series” can be used by teens and adults alike.

What is brainwave entrainment?

The term entrainment refers to the synchronization of organisms to an external rhythm. In the case of BrainTap, the organism being entrained is the brain, and we do this by simulating the rhythms of specific brain wave frequencies known for deep relaxation and heightened states of consciousness.

It is the process of reaching deep levels of relaxation and then using guided visualization to form mental images. Visualization it is the primary component of the imagination and is at the core of the human ability to create, innovate and dream.

Many of history’s inventors, artists and athletes attribute their success to an exceptional ability to visualize. Thomas Edison, Nikola Tesla, Henry Ford, Tiger Woods, and the great composer, Chopin, and all reported using visualization to spark their imaginations and achieve unprecedented levels of performance. In fact, Albert Einstein once said that he came up with the theory of relativity by imagining what would happen if he could travel through space on the tip of a light beam. BrainTap technology can transport you out of a state of stress or fear, and into a new space of inner calm, peace and tranquility. A natural byproduct occurs when the body goes loose and limp, thereby creating the relaxation response - the perfect state for learning or focusing on goals.

How soon will I notice results?

Over 90 percent of those trying the BrainTap headset for the first time report feeling refreshed and energized right after the first process. While individual results will vary, many people report feeling more positive and motivated after just a session or two. Those using the Habits of Naturally Thin People series may notice habit changes, such as a positive attitude about healthy foods or a desire for water, right after listening to the first process. Golfers regularly report feeling more relaxed and confident the first time out on the course after listening to Dr. Porter’s Mental Coaching for Golf processes.

Is it safe?

Absolutely. The only known side effects are improved memory, great sleep, focus, concentration, and reduced stress. However, flashing lights have been known to cause problems in people who suffer from serious medical conditions like epilepsy, seizure disorders, brain injury, or photosensitivity. If you have any of these concerns, you should ask your medical professional if light and sound technology is right for you.

Why are there lights in the earphones?

The lights in the ears are set to the optimum frequency for creating a delightful feeling of serenity and balance. The earphone lights work by stimulating the ear meridians with gentle frequency pulses - so gentle that they are not visible to the human eye - to soothe, harmonize, calm and balance you.

What are the benefits of using the BrainTap headset?

Today, people spend thousands enhancing their bodies, but do nothing to improve the quality of their thoughts. The truth is, we can accomplish far more by managing brainwave activity and mentally rehearsing the positive, productive and healthy lifestyle we all want. Now, it couldn’t be easier because the benefits of the BrainTap headset can be virtually limitless.

• Deep relaxation stimulates the production of natural, stress and tension-relieving neurotransmitters, such as endorphins.

• Helps change unwanted behaviors and habits, including those contributing to smoking and over-eating.

• Balances the brain’s right and left hemispheres, inspiring both focus and creativity.

• Promotes relaxation, which contributes to maintaining healthy sleep.

• Brings more blood flow to the brain for clearer thinking and better concentration.

• Alleviates negative mind chatter and enhances motivation and performance.

• Decreases or eliminates jet lag.

• And last, but certainly not least, provides a natural ability to put stress in its place!

The majority of users report stress relief through deep relaxation, maintaining healthy sleep patterns, improved memory, improved learning skills such as concentration and recall of information, a sense of calm, increased focus, lucid dreaming, and increased physical energy.

Please be aware that while the BrainTap headset is designed to help you reach your full potential, we cannot guarantee your results. Please understand that results will vary from person to person.

Who can benefit from BrainTap technology?

Anyone who is not sensitive to flashing light can benefit from BrainTap technology. The BrainTap headset, used in combination with the guided visualization.

The light intensity on the BrainTap headset is adjustable, so those who have minor light sensitivity can almost always find a setting that’s right for them. Those diagnosed with light sensitivity seizures should not use the flashing lights in the visor, but can experience the profound benefits of the guided visualization, auriculotherapy and relaxing tones.

What happens during a BrainTap session?

With the BrainTap headset visor over your closed eyes and headphones over your ears, you are immersed in a perfect mixture of light and sound frequencies. Your eyes will be treated to a beautiful light show while you listen to specially designed music and the guided BrainTap technology process. This all combines to enhance your experience and invite a higher degree of alpha/theta brainwave activity. Some people may experience colorful geometric patterns while others may lose track of the lights completely. The light and sound pulse rate shifts from wide-awake beta to a dreamy drowsy state of theta as the session progresses. Using the science of frequency following response (FFR), your brainwave activity will follow the pulse rate of the Neuro-Sensory Algorithms. At the same time, your mind rehearses the changes or improvements you desire for your life.

How does BrainTap produce such amazing results?

The BrainTap system is designed to program behaviors so they become natural, unconscious, and automatic. You know how to drink water. You know which foods are more natural for your body. You know what exercise is. You already have these abilities. Our focus is not to give you these abilities but rather to give you a response to those abilities, thus creating responsibility. In other words, it gives you the access to the abilities you already possess! BrainTap provides the motivation, the determination, and the drive to succeed. It’s a common experience that what the mind thinks about the mind brings about. The BrainTap headset is designed to help you to get into that powerful brain wave state where you can impress upon your mind the results you want in life.

Can everyone use the BrainTap headset?

Generally speaking, any person can achieve alpha/theta brainwave states and can benefit from BrainTap technology. However, the sessions are recommended for persons with a healthy brain. Persons with severe mental disorders should not use the BrainTap headset. Flashing lights have been known to trigger seizures in certain cases. While this disorder is rare, people who have a seizure disorder of any kind should not use the lights in the visor. These people can still benefit without the lights. If you are unsure, ask your doctor before proceeding.

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