Recover with Compression Therapy

What is Compression Therapy?

Compression therapy is a technique utilized to reduce muscle pain and swelling. By applying pressure to compress and massage the muscles and tissues, it aims to improve circulation and reduce inflammation. Mimicking the effects of a manual massage, compression therapy can be applied to any part of the body.

Recovery & Rejuvenation

At SaltWave Wellness, we offer cutting-edge compression boots that utilize top-of-the-line compression technology. These boots serve as a powerful complement to physical therapy, providing a customizable way to increase circulation to the limbs and accelerate recovery. Whether you have a physically demanding lifestyle, spend long hours on your feet, or are experiencing sore muscles, our compression chairs offer dynamic compression that can benefit you.

Compression Therapy Benefits for Athletes

Athletes can greatly benefit from our compression therapy sessions at SaltWave Wellness. Our compression sleeves aid in workout recovery by improving circulation, reducing swelling, and enhancing recovery time. Regular use of our compression therapy can help athletes maintain peak performance and prevent injuries.

*Please note: socks are required.

Rocky Mountains view from Thornton, CO
inflated compression sleeves

What to Expect

Session Time: Sessions are available in 30 minute sessions with the option to extend your time to maximize the benefits up to 45 minutes.

What to Wear: Socks are required with use of our compression sleeves.

The Process: When you arrive for compression therapy, expect a warm welcome from our team. You'll be guided through the check-in process and comfortably seated in one of our cozy chaise lounges. Our staff will provide assistance in fitting the compression sleeves, and your session will commence. Compression therapy aims to enhance circulation, reduce swelling, and promote overall comfort and well-being. Relax and let our experts ensure a soothing and effective experience for you. It's crucial to understand that maintaining a regular treatment schedule is frequently vital to attain the intended outcomes.

chair with compression sleeves

Compression therapy offers a plethora of benefits for individuals seeking natural healing and wellness. This non-invasive treatment utilizes compression devices to apply controlled pressure to the limbs, aiding in the prevention and reduction of swelling, inflammation, and pain. By enhancing blood circulation and lymphatic flow, compression therapy promotes faster recovery, reduces muscle soreness, and improves overall physical performance. This therapy is particularly beneficial for athletes, those with circulatory issues, and individuals recovering from surgery or injuries.

Studies show compression therapy can:

  • Enhance healthy circulation 

  • Decrease muscle soreness and fatigue

  • Increase range-of-motion

  • Reduce inflammation

  • Speed recovery

  • Promote relaxation

The Benefits of Compression Therapy

Why wait? Schedule your Compression Therapy session now!